Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meeting notes 12/3/14

Tech Committee meeting
In attendance: M. Hauck, S. Green, D. Parker, L. Lynch, B.J. Chauvin, R. Fitzpatrick, P. Conis, K. Roos

Agenda: consultants, project leader, GAFE administrator, initial decisions

Discussion of cumulus global (hasn't submitted a quote yet) and educator U
Review of EducatorU contract. Do we wait on a quote from Cumulus or do we just go with EducatorU?
Giving Cumulus until Friday to come up with a quote. If they come back with a lower quote, we revisit. If it's a higher quote, we go with EducatorU. If we get no quote, we go with EducatorU.  All in agreement on this decision

Discussion of project manager/project leader. Will function as liaison to consultants, deal with day-to-day decisions on implementation, follow policy guide of tech committee.  Conversation about the nature of the role- what will and won't this person do. Rick moves to nominate Mike H as project leader. Seconded and whatnot by the rest of the group.

Discusssion of GAFE role.  Laura and Doris have already begun to play with the dashboard and have begun to get familiar with how it works.  Laura will fill this role with the assistance of Doris.

Discussion of stress testing the network to see what it can handle.  We have decided to seek out a consultant who can do this for us.  Mike will do this as his first task as project leader. We need to test both the network and the equipment.

Discussion of initial decisions. Domain has already been registered ( We are registered as an educator site.  User name standard? Keep existing for adults/staff. Add a middle initial or a digit for those with sames f and last. For students, first initial last initial  It will log them into the account and be their email address. Next discussion is organization, but time has run out.  We will discuss organization next time. Mike will sent out a proposal for organization and allow for comment.  Next step: select a consultant and get them going and build a project plan.