Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Meeting notes 5/21/14

Tech Committee Meeting Notes
In attendance: M. Hauck, T. Quinn, M. Joyce, P. Conis, K. Roos

Agenda topic: Digital Literacy curriculum

Discussing the existing curriculum outline. More sample lessons and ideas added, more still needed.
Action Item:  Members are encouraged to find and collect additional planned lessons and/or materials (handouts, videos, websites).  Contribute into the Google Drive folders created to store the info.

Attaching ideas and lessons to subject and grade.  Michael will refine chart (add 4 grade levels for each subject area) and republish.
Action Item: members should review lesson materials and suggest where on the curriculum map (subject & level) a lesson unit 'primarily' falls (who is the lead responsible to ensure this is learned material).

Presenting this outline at the June 2 faculty meeting.  Michael will be circulating draft presentation/handouts for feedback, ideas, critique.

Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 21

1. Review/critique the current state of the curriculum (doc shared to you with editing privileges)
2. complete process of defining lesson units/plans (at least defining unit/plan learning objectives if not a full plan)
3. Compiling/collecting teaching resources (I created a set of folders to curate materials; they are all shared to you with editing privileges)
4. What's the roll-out plan?
    a. June Faculty mtg introduction
    b. training materials
    c. crosswalk to curriculum frameworks (see map)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Committee meeting notes 5/7/14

Tech Committee Meeting Notes
In attendance: M. Nelson, M. Hauck, P. Conis

Digital Literacy Curriculum
Review the structure Mike H has set up and provide feedback, commentary (members have editing privilege to the document)

Need to map what we have to existing departments/ courses

Collect lesson plans, curriculum materials that connect to these topics and attach them

Mike will create a google account for collecting and organizing curriculum materials

Concern regarding asking people to teach digital literacy in the current technological climate

Need to add lessons where there are gaps/ missing lessons

Mike H to create a google form to solicit teacher feedback/input into existing dig curr

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Meeting: Wednesday, May 7 at 2:30 in Library

Our pre-break meeting on 4/16 didn't happen.

  1. News/Updates
    1. Google Apps interview
  2. Continue work on the Digital Citizenship curriculum map
    1. status of current work
    2. define/identify lesson units (we'll rely heavily on Common Sense Media)
    3. collect, curate lesson materials and resources