Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Meeting notes 4/29

Tech committee meeting notes
April 29, 2015
In attendance: M. Hauck, T. Quinn, P. Conis, B-j. Chauvin, M. Joyce, K. Roos, S. Green

We still need to train other staff who weren't trained at the first training in April- waiting to hear from supervisors of those peoples to set up times

Training on May 4th-
Matt to do classroom; Mike to do sites; Karl to do drive
35 minute sessions, in classrooms because not interactive.  More a sales pitch than a training
Same groups as April 6th, so can cater presentation to the group
Location? AgMech classrooms 8117, 8118, 8119
Will begin with "what's going on?" Information.  Mike has prepared slides.
Question posed about moving old mecnet emails to google.  Can we move emails? Question for Laura
This is when we will discuss PDP offerings for people
Different PDP rates for the trainers.  Need additional people to do trainings for the seminar series

Seminar series:
Mike is looking for feedback on additional topics for the seminars
Tammy proposes the idea of "app of the week"

Project plan:
Mike is looking for commentary/feedback/questions/corrections
Things we need to focus on now-
migration of mecnet email- we need to get information into people's hands asap
Can we see who is in the group email addresses, to verify that we are using them correctly.  Users should be able to see all groups available
Need to define what we have for public calendars- how many? What ones? Who owns? Who edits?
Template library of all forms we have now
Architecture for naming and organizing forms
School website- look for samples/faves to follow

No need to use June meeting for more google training

Open issues:
Chrome browser sync issue has been addressed
Users cannot create groups within the domain.  Give this only to faculty for now, so teachers have to be monitors/moderators of groups
Need to resolve Google+ issue- open this up just for teachers
Mobile device connection issues need to be resolved
Need information on how to migrate mail so people can do it
Need to set up trainer and developer accounts
Chats and hangouts have been turned off- need to turn it back on for teachers
Cannot customize app launcher- turn this back on for everyone

Monday, April 27, 2015

Meeting Agenda for April 29

Tech Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 29  2:30 PM
Trustees Room - McFarland Hall

  • May 4th training status
  • Status on training other staff
  • Seminar Series training
  • Training PDPs review
    • Teachers can earn 10 PDPs: 2 (4/6/15) + 2 (5/4/15) + 3 (two seminars from Seminar Series) + 3 (implementation of classroom project, practice, lesson incorporating at least one major tool).
  • Project Plan (draft)
    • assessing deliverables, responsibilities, time frames
  • Open technical issues
    • mechanism for user feedback
  • Network Testing - status and results

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Meeting notes 4/15/15

Tech Committee meeting notes
April 15, 2015
In attendance: M. Hauck, M. Joyce, P. Conis, T. Quinn, C. Grabke, S. Green, R. Fitzpatrick

Additional training done after school Tuesday and Thursday of this week for people who felt that initial training was insufficient
May 4th training- round robin still planned
Less training more promotional/ pmarketing/enticement "see what you can do" kind of things
Need people to help with the trainings- offer double PDPs for that
Discussion of how teachers get to 10 PDPs
Discussion of setting up June day to be an early release day so we have the time to use if we need it

Project plan-
Mike created a plan with identified people responsible
Asking for PC and BJC help with the how-to tip line
Question- is there a way to find out who isn't using Gmail? Likely in administrator console
Design of new website-need time to meet to discuss what we want on the new website
Teacher templates for sites- need feedback from teachers as to what they want in sites
Discussion of setting up resource calendars
Discuss the migration of files overto Google
Discussion of the timeline

Set target dates for items on outstanding issues so they can be resolved by the June 1 training date

EducatorU featured in piece from NPR

Dennis Villano of EducatorU and Burlington public schools are featured in this article from WBUR news on going 1-to-1, swapping iPADs for traditional textbooks.

Thanks, Paula, for bringing this to my attention.

Jhymon Moodie, a junior at Burlington High School, stands with his iPad in the school's library on April 9, 2015. In 2011, the school decided to adopt a 1:1 model, in which every student has a device. (Peter Balonon-Rosen/WBUR)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Agenda for 15 April

Tech Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 15  2:30 PM
Trustees Room - McFarland Hall
  • Training update
    • status on training other staff
    • next steps draft review
  • Project Plan - review and discussion
    • assessing deliverables, responsibilities, timeframes
    • strawman proposal
  • Technical Issues List
    • open issues regarding provisioning and services
    • mechanism for user feedback
  • Building the Wishlist
    • compiling the "nice to have" so they're known, prioritized

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Meeting notes 4/8/15

Tech committee meeting notes
Principal's office
In attendance: M. Hauck, M. Joyce, T. Quinn, P. Conis, D. Parker, C. Grabke, BJ Chauvin, 

Post-Mortem from Monday's training
Overall feedback is positive.  Mixed reviews on group 1. We can't necessarily do another training on the same model, so we need to decide where to go from here and how to plan future trainings.
Discussion about training the rest of the staff- cafe, maintenance staff, etc.  Mike will set up training based on info from supervisors of those people 

Discussion of setting up additional trainings on the Tuesday/Thursday after school time. Focused seminar sessions dedicated to specific topics (sites, blogger, classroom, etc)
More time needed for people in group one. Mike wanted to do that next week Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 
Launching seminar series after spring break. Every Tuesday ans Thursday. Mike will propose a list of initial topics and ask for feedback. He is looking for additional group leaders- offer them double PDPs.  
Propose that on the next 1/2 day, run three sessions in a round robin format: sites, classroom, doctopus/drive functions.  Need a 12:02 dismissal on 5/4/15. Seminar series will start the following week.  

Review of project plan and timeline.  Discussion about moving over old messages from mecnet and archiving messages.  There is a date-stamp on edline migration, so that is a priority. Discussion of migration is public resources (like the school website). Tammy to pull together a team to review and potentially redesign our website. Discussion of moving A Pub Perm documents and templates over. Also about importing email lists/distribution lists.  

Discussion of what things we need to do immediately: website, anything related to edline.  Discussion of moving over those who use the mecnet calendar.  Also the equipment/vehicle/facility calendars.  Brings up larger calendar discussion bout who will own calendars, editing rights, etc.  

Mike wants additional feedback/thoughts on action list/timeline he shared.  It's on the website/blog for edits/commenting. 

Discussion about the tablets and can we make them work better.  

Discussion of EducatorU- are they still with us? They have maxed out their training.  Can they help us with all the transferring of files that we need to do? 

Discussion of creation of developer and trainer accounts so that we can develop apps and run trainings. 

Brief discussion of open issues.  

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Meeting Agenda - 4/8/15

Tech Committee Meeting
Wednesday, April 8  2:30PM
Trustees Room - McFarland Hall
  • 4/6 Training post mortem
    • survey results and other feedback
    • training other staff
    • next steps for continued training
  • Project Plan - review and discussion
  • Open Issues
    • Groups: users cannot create a group within the norfolkaggie domain
    • Apps Launcher: users cannot customize to include select tools/apps
    • Chrome: need to enable sync capability
    • Chat & Hangouts have been disabled

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Meeting Notes 4/2/15

Tech Committee Meeting Notes
April 2, 2015
In attendance: M. Hauck, C. Grabke, S. Green, R. Fitzpatrick, M. Joyce, BJ Chauvin, P. Conis, L. Lynch, D. Parker,

Begin with brief discussion of the plan for Monday's training, making sure trainings are well-planned and well-timed
Making sure everyone gets logged in this week in preparation for Monday
What do we do about training secretarial staff so as not to leave the office unmanned?
We need to make sure all maintenance staff and cafe staff get trained as well. They are not currently a part of the training planned for Monday.

Mike to set up a Google form evaluation to do at the end of the training.

Training beyond Monday?
Second boot camp in May? We would need additional trainers for that day.

Concern about the id numbers being used for email addresses because those are connected to lunch accounts.  We need to let the cafe staff to be on alert going forward about matching kids' pictures when they buy lunch.

Live through Monday before we decide what we need to do for additional training on May 4th.  See results from Eval of that day.

Migration and transition:
Communicate frequently with everyone about what happening, what they CAN do, what they HAVE to do.
Make sure everyone knows that mecnet is there through the end of the year so that they can use that as they learn Google.  Files remain on server, etc.
Process for early users identify issues.  Mike can create a form for people to report Google-only issues.  Will help identify and address low-level issues that Mike can easily fix, or find bigger issues that may need bigger fixes.
Mike has created a website with FAQs to help people identify help resources and answer questions and get information

Brief discussion about potentially bringing in other users other than Matt to test the process with users.  This may happen later in the spring, after Matt gets his going.

Sharing of documents: default to private.  User must choose to share it.  They have the option of sharing within community or outside of the community.

Promotional plan- take a look at what Mike has created and give feedback.  Promotion is critical to plan success.  This is how people know what's going on, how to, etc.