Thursday, October 29, 2015

Meeting Minutes for 28 October 2015

Attending: Sean Crowley, Karen Newburg, Doris Parker, Ben Polito, Tammy Quinn, Stephanie Russo, Joanne Tankard Smith, Michael Hauck
  • Google Apps Deployment status updates
    • new resources for calendar
      Doris did not have any update; the request has been conveyed to Laura but there has not been any action. Doris will relay the request to Laura again.
    • teacher portal pages
      Links have all been set up for teacher pages; teachers have been informed and provided instructions. Most have taken action. We should also insert a link from the faculty directory file to the portal page. A few typos were pointed out to be fixed.
    • new student Dashboard
      A few suggestions to tidy it up. Plan to launch on Monday 11/9. Freshman and sophomores will get an introduction through Science classes; Juniors and Seniors will get their introduction through Math classes. Michael will provide a "How To" document for teachers and shared to students.
      The iPass link should stay, so students can check grades using parent account.
      We would like to install analytics so we can track usage - mobile access, which browsers, what apps, etc.
      Still need to find a good, clean solution for creating individualized links for student to teachers' sites/blogs/wikis.
      Question if we could make this dashboard the default page on login to our domain. Yes, but that will require an administrative setting which is problematic to get done.
  • Re-Deployment of PCs for Teachers
    • Status update
      Tammy indicated that PCs were being swapped for failed tablets to specific teachers. However, we wanted to have several machines deployed as community resources positioned in faculty planning rooms.  Sean will work with Linda to generate a list of rooms and number of machines to be deployed. This will provide guidance to Doris who will need to prep (s/w updates, hardware check-out) and install.
      There was some concern expressed that with the limited number of ethernet drops in each room, every PC installed means one of the tablets will need to disconnect from the wired network in its docking station. (The tablets are wireless enabled, so they will still work).
  • Tech Plan Review
    • Benchmark 5 re-work
      After review, unanimous agreement. minor correction for grammar. Michael to re-publish.
  • Developing near term action plan
    • Action plan to enhance Google Apps adoption rate/pace
      Discussion began with the observation of how many people are still printing documents, students printing assignments, etc. Several issues related to the ease of use and features of Google were discussed.  Sometimes, printing is not WYSIWYG, which can be a big hassle; commenting on printed work can be easier than online, more likely to be read by students, and can get complicated and cumbersome especially for things like sentence & paragraph structure. [I will do some research on apps for teacher commentaries on student work, such as Turn It In and Kaizena]
      Sean aptly pointed out that compared to where we were at this time last year, we have made tremendous progress, despite issues.
      Discussion turned to the fact that many teachers are not utilizing Google, or utilizing it well, because they don't understand the capability or how to effectively deploy in their curriculum.  Training is a big issue.
      Jo suggested a survey to assess where people are at and what they need. Michael will set it up.
      The afternoon seminar series Tuesdays and Thursdays is not having much traction due to so many scheduling conflicts. Need to look for some alternatives.  One idea is to hold sessions during the day at targeted times when many teachers are available (prep period). However, Michael does not have access to iPass scheduling info in a useful form to find a good time. Another idea is to offer a session multiple times on a single day.
      Tammy re-iterated her commitment to have coverage or a sub for teachers who want to do an in-house training. Sean will work with some small teams (4 to 6) to set up customized training session.  The theory is that once this is done successfully  with one or two groups, others will catch on.
      Sean recommended devoting a faculty meeting to Tech Training. November is too soon to get it organized. Tammy agreed to make the December (12/1) faculty meeting a tech training meeting. Teacher trainers would be ideal; this is very appealing to teachers to have 'one of their own' leading a session. Michael will work to get this organized.
    • Driving Digital Citizenship across the curriculum
      no action
    • Planning for 1-to-1
      no action
Meeting adjoirned 3:50

Friday, October 23, 2015

Meeting Agenda for 28 October

28 October 2015, 2:30pm

  • Google Apps Deployment status updates
    • new resources for calendar (Doris)
    • teacher portal pages (Michael, Sean)
    • new student Dashboard (Michael)
  • Re-Deployment of PCs for Teachers
    • Status update (Doris)
  • Tech Plan Review
    • Benchmark 5 re-work (any edits should be in Suggestion Mode)
  • Developing near term action plan
    • Action plan to enhance Google Apps adoption rate/pace
    • Driving Digital Citizenship across the curriculum
      • what needs to be added/changed from original committee work
      • actions steps
    • Planning for 1-to-1
      • lessons learned, case studies
      • define planning topics; forming teams
      • outline process, schedule

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Meeting Minutes 14 October 2015

Attending: Sean Crowley, Karen Newburg, Ben Polito, Stephanie Russo, Jo Smith, Michael Hauck

Google Apps Deployment update

  • Doris was not in attendance to update on the status of adding the new resources to calendar (mini bus #4 and the library meeting space).
  • Michael discussed the plan to create an optional Student Dashboard, similar to the Teacher Dashboard. Format would be quite similar; suggested content included: morning announcements, school calendar, sports calendar, monthly lunch menu, links to standard Google tools (including Classroom), link to iPass, create a widget to link to teacher sites/blogs/wikis/etc. Michael will have a prototype by Friday for comment.
  • Discussion of having links to teacher sites on the school website. Michael noted that a number of teachers are not using sites but other tools, such as Classroom.  He proposed creating a page for each teacher (editable by that teacher) where s/he can put whatever is appropriate for their class(es). Michael can have this set up by Monday; Sean and Linda will communicate to faculty.
Re-Deployment of PCs for Teachers
  • Doris was not available to update on the status of the 15 to 17 machines in storage; Tammy was not available to update on the status of her request to Suzanne.
  • It was noted that an additional PC was needed for the Library lab (4212) as there are 23 PCs + teacher and there is frequently a need for 24 student machines. Teachers now supplement with a laptop.
Tech Plan Review
  • Michael quickly reviewed the current tech plan document (posted on the blog or here). Because the current plan is written at a fairly abstract level in terms of longer term goals, not much needs to change - we are still driving to those goals.  However, our progress against these is somewhat uneven.  One of our goals focuses on Professional Development and we need to create a more encompassing and comprehensive planned approach for delivery of Technology PD. Another area that needs attention is incorporating Digital Citizenship across the curriculum. We also focus attention on going 1-to-1 but have yet to begin to tackle that issue.
  • The only area of the plan that does need editing is Benchmark 5 - Virtual Learning and Communications. In the original plan there is mention of EdLine (now defunct) and the intention of moving to Google Apps for Education.  However, the underlying goals are still the same.  Michael will re-draft benchmark 5 and circulate for comment.
  • We discussed ideas for advancing opportunities for faculty/staff PD. The present model of using after-school time on Tues & Thurs is compromised by so many competing demands on teachers. Several possibilities were discussed:
    • optional after-school time Monday and Wednesday, 2:30 - 3:30; Sean will explore and poll faculty for interest
    • change X-Block schedule to double-up the number of students in each group and give 1/2 of the faculty open time to focus on PD. We could do this by term, so 1/2 of the faculty would be open 1st and 3rd terms, the other 1/2 2nd and 4th terms. 
    • use faculty meeting time for tech PD and do more of the general faculty business on-line, through teacher announcements.
  • Michael led a discussion of developing a near-term (1 to 2 year) action plan.  He proposed a three prong effort (to which there was general agreement):
    • Driving Google Apps Adoption across the organization
      This needs to happen as a precursor to going 1-to-1; Many have logged in, but are not taking advantage of the utility, efficiency of Google, nor of the opportunities to expand and grow their curriculum. For next meeting everyone will have ideas and suggestions of activities, initiatives to drive Google adoption by everyone.
    • Planning for 1-to-1
      We should look at other successful schools, many right in our neighborhood, to learn how they approached the problem, their project planning method, key issues, etc. Some discussion of the trade-offs of school ownership vs. student ownership of devices. Michael will source case studies and research on going 1-to-1 and share to the committee.
    • Integrating Digital Citizenship curriculum across the entire school curriculum
      As a key element of going 1-to-1 and advancing digital curriculum, we need to promote the safety and security of students and the best way to do that is through a robust and comprehensive Digital CItizenship program. Michael will share to committee the results of Committee work from 2013 to develop and integrated curriculum Please review for next meeting discussion.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Meeting Agenda for 14 October

14 October 2015, 2:30pm

  • Google Apps Deployment
    • new resources for calendar (Doris)
    • new student Dashboard (Michael)
  • Re-Deployment of PCs for Teachers
    • Status update (Doris)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Google Apps Adoption Tips

12 Adoption Tips from The Gooru

  This was first published in March and re-published today from The Gooru. Twelve simple, but powerful, ideas to ease and speed the adoption of Google Apps at school.  Installing the application and having users log on is one thing, but getting usage, especially in the way that takes advantage of the productivity and collaboration that Google can provide is a whole different set of challenges.

Food for thought as we think about our long term plans and initiatives for this school year.

Friday, October 2, 2015

9-30 Meeting Notes

Attending: Sean Crowley, Doris Parker, Tammy Quinn, Michael Hauck
  • Reset/Recap from June
    Michael provide a brief overview of what the Committee was up to last June, key decisions and issues at the time. Student account name was decided but we were unable to have students activate their accounts before the end of school as originally planned. We would terminate mail through AdditionsNet in August (we are still routing mail through Additions, however. Why?). We had anticipated the need for a parental consent form and parent opt-out for student email accounts, but that has not happened. Google Groups memberships are still not all visible to users
  • Current Status of Google Apps Deployment
    Teacher and student accounts are all activated and appear to be working. Everyone is over onto GMail. We are still routing mail through Additions for some reason.
    School website is up and running, all the appropriate editors are in place and have access; numerous edits and corrections have been implemented and it appears to be pretty solid now. Next step is to link teacher websites or other resources.
    Community calendars and resources have been implemented, most people are using them and teachers now really like the ability to reserve computer labs on their own. We need to add a Mini Bus 4 and Library Meeting Room. Doris will handle.
    Implemented a Teacher Dashboard for ease of use. Many are using it and finding it helpful. It will continue to go through revisions as we get feedback from users.
    Need to implement a similar dashboard for students.
    Most all teachers have embraced the change of moving to Google and are working to build sites & blogs, create Classrooms, migrate their data to Drive. It's a slow and evolving process but we're making good progress. Training needs to continue and the afternoon seminar series will be started in October.
  • Teacher Tablet Replacement?
    Doris discussed how the tablets have become a problem for many teachers - poor performance, storage issues, and others. Michael expressed the concern of spending scarce technology funds for replacements without a well thought out technology infrastructure plan in place.  Short term, we might re-purpose some machines that are in storage and distribute to departments to share. Tammy will request from Suzanne and Doris will look into how many machines are available and effort to clean-up/refurbish.
  • Revisit/Review School Tech Plan
    We'll use the next two meetings to discuss the current tech plan, revisions, and explore strategic planning moving forward. Please review the current plan in preparation for next meeting
  • Major Initiatives for 2015-16
    Michael listed a number of ideas that we had discussed in June
    Digital Citizenship curriculum integrated across all curricula
    online learning
    home access (ensure every student has computer and internet access from home)
    changing the mindset (think digital, not paper; think online, handout).
    Digital devices for everyone (going 1-to-1)
    Streamline, automate, simplify (re-look at administrative and managerial processes to make them simpler, easier, less time-consuming; also building document and template libraries)
    Sean suggested we focus on grant writing to generate funds and support for significant tech projects
    We also discussed the issues with iPass and the need to get a better understanding of the features and functions we can tap into that have not been explored.
  • Set up standard Meeting Times
    Nothing works great but we settled on Wednesdays, every other week. Next meeting will be Wednesday, October 14 at 2:30.

submitted: M Hauck