tech committee meeting notes
June 10, 2015
In attendance: M. Hauck, M. Joyce, C. Grabke, T. Quinn, BJ Chauvin, L. Lynch, P. Conis, R. Fitzpatrick
Received guidance from the lawyer about student emails. Will be Add middle initial if needed.
This requires setting up a sub domain
Discussion of AUP. Create a consent form for parents to opt out of student receiving an email address.
Wait for sept to activate student accounts. Not enough time to do it before the end of the year now. Activate freshmen during freshman academy. Do the rest of the grades during the first day or two of school in English classes.
Release form to go out to parents over the summer.
Mailing lists: still can't see what lists are available. Groups aren't showing up in directory. Still can't see membership in lists. Laura worked on this with support today. Changes should be going through now. Should all be in place be morning.
School website: together as a draft. Content still being gathered. Being tested to see if everything is accessible from outside the domain. Could go live end of next week. Get url for new site to our domain provider so it directs to new site. Mike will send it to Laura when it's ready. Rick poses question of who will be responsible for monitoring/updating website. People will be responsible for their sections. Need a drop dead date for go live so people can get content on the page before it goes live. We think edline goes away as of July 1. Rick will investigate. 6/30/15 as go live date for new website.
Resource and facility calendars: set up for computer and carts. Mike and Laura will meet together to set this up. How to use them will become part of the training in the fall.
Discussion of email delivery issues. We think it's related to dual delivery. When mecnet goes away, this may go away. Fingers crossed.
Training for non-faculty members on gmail and calendar is still needed. Craig, Tara, Phyllis done. Pete, forepersons, Tom, Patrick still outstanding. 45 mins needed for training.
Mike has started to develop templates for teacher websites. Aiming for 6ish, so people can find what they like. To the extent that we can, class lists, groups, classrooms should be set up in advance before teachers arrive in September. Teachers can set up websites over the summer, if they choose.
Mike has started to set up teacher and student dashboards.
Suzanne asks about setting up some of our forms in Google to streamline paper process. Mike also adds the idea of including an online electronic signature element to it.