Tech committee meeting
March 3, 2015 2:30-3:30 trustees' room
In attendance: M. Hauck, D. Parker, P. Conis, K. Roos, B.J.Chauvin, T. Quinn, R. Fitzpatrick
Set a standing date and time for meeting? We need weekly meeting in the short term because we have a lot to do to be ready for Sept. Tuesdays at 2:30 starting 3/10/15.
Provisioning users:
- email for everyone
- blogger available within domain
- sites available within domain
- classroom available to students, faculty, alumni
Review of answers to questions from Educator U
With the presumption that faculty will have access to everything listed below here, discussion around student access to the following items was had.
- allowing students to email outside the domain? just juniors and seniors (they need to) or all grades? All members present at the meeting vote to allow ALL students to email outside the domain. Final decision should involve Supt. We recommend to her that all students be allowed to email outside domain.
- Drive, calendar, sites on for all student groups
- Discussion regarding whether or not students can be allowed to use Hangouts. Educationally sound or potentially dangerous? Mike raises the point that comments are not anonymous. We can find out who is saying what when and where. BJC talks about teaching students use it safely, much as we do with other tools and equipment. Group members present vote to approve opening hangouts to students within domain. Decision should involve supt. We recommend to her that students e alowed to use hangouts within domain.
- Discussion of opening up chrome store for student users. Students can add extensions to their chrome. Many educational services. Again, group votes yes on this. Recommendation to supt to say yes.
- Google+ is a non-issue, as it is "going away"
- Google wallet- NO
- Allowing students to receive emails from outside domain? same decision as above for students sending emails outside domain
- YouTube? Open up youtube for education for students. Teachers have full youtube access. Teachers can add what they want to their channel (outside of youtube for education) and then kids can access the videos.
- Google groups- allows users to set up groups for discussion, sharing documents, etc. Clubs and sports teams could use it. Students only have access within domain. Teachers have access outside domain.
- Google keep- simple application for taking notes. clip things from websites, emails, etc. Kind of like sticky notes. Teachers can share notes with a class/group- Yes
- Google books- Yes
- Google scholar- Yes
- traditional inservice training does not work
- designate "go-to> people who get google certified on certain apps, who are then resident experts that others can go to for help/traiing
- Tammy brings up the point that teachers need an incentive to be trained. We struggle with getting people to learn something new
-Mike asks group to think unconventionally about how training can happen
- Create project-specific seminars that have a project at the end and build the training around that (student portfolio idea)
- adoption begins at the top. we have to take on the challenge of maximizing the use of digital technolog Set the tone that this is the way we are going.
Do we need to keep edline? Google can do this stuff, but we need to make sure this is all set up