Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meeting notes 12/18/13

Tech committee meeting notes
In attendance: D. Parker, L. Lynch, P. Conis, M. Joyce, M. Hauck, C. Bosco, K. Roos, M. Nelson
Discussion of making contributions to the digital literacy curriculum overview.- some contributions have already been made.  Look over existing contributions, add to them, comment on them, continue to add to it
Need to make the document explicitly clear so that others can use it easily- need clear definitions so it is explainable and understandable to others
Next steps is to decide how topics fit into existing classes and curricula and distribute them accordingly

 Next meeting- solidify working definitions and get to next steps
Mike will crosswalk with DESE and ISD standards
Next meeting: January 8, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Minutes of Meeting 12/4

Attending: Courtney, Doris, Laura, Matt, Mike, Tammy, Michael

meeting materials used for discussion.

Following the planned agenda, we first discussed the definition of Digital Citizenship, beginning with the suggested options in the meeting materials.  After brief discussion it was agreed that a good working definition is the one from Cable in the Classroom group:

“Digital Citizenship is a holistic and positive approach to helping children learn how to be safe and secure as well as smart and effective participants in a digital world.”

Next, we discussed what would constitute the breakdown into primary or principal components.  Again, using the meeting materials as a guide, we looked various schemes and decided that the five component breakout made the most sense.  This is Communications, Awareness, Information Literacy, Technical Literacy, and Health and Safety.

Finally we discussed what the final product of this effort would be.  It will be a comprehensive curriculum map which will match each component & topic of Digital Citizenship to an appropriate place in the academic and or vocational curriculum and grade level.  Each row (discreet topic) would map to the DESE Tech Literacy Standards.  Each entry on the map (row and column entry) would contain the topic or topics to be covered, links to support materials, and example lesson plans (where appropriate).
Next Steps:
  • Refine, republish curriculum map template - Micahel
  • Refine definition of each major category (5) - teams assigned by Michael
  • enumerate the sub components of each major category - each team

Next Meeting: Wednesday, 12/18 2:30 pm Library

Monday, December 2, 2013

Meeting Agenda Wednesday, Dec. 4

At our last meeting we discussed next steps for implementation of our Strategic Technology Plan.  We decided that the next significant 'project' to take on was the development of  a Digital Citizenship curriculum to cross all departments and grade levels.

I've posted several documents to the shared folder regarding digital citizenship.  The document Curriculum Resource List has a variety of links to other useful materials.  Please try to take a few moments and scan over some of this material.

For our meeting discussion:

  1. What is "Digital Citizenship"?
  2. Examples of comprehensive curricula
  3. Materials and resources to draw on
  4. Organizing our approach