Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Meeting notes 12/3/14

Tech Committee meeting
In attendance: M. Hauck, S. Green, D. Parker, L. Lynch, B.J. Chauvin, R. Fitzpatrick, P. Conis, K. Roos

Agenda: consultants, project leader, GAFE administrator, initial decisions

Discussion of cumulus global (hasn't submitted a quote yet) and educator U
Review of EducatorU contract. Do we wait on a quote from Cumulus or do we just go with EducatorU?
Giving Cumulus until Friday to come up with a quote. If they come back with a lower quote, we revisit. If it's a higher quote, we go with EducatorU. If we get no quote, we go with EducatorU.  All in agreement on this decision

Discussion of project manager/project leader. Will function as liaison to consultants, deal with day-to-day decisions on implementation, follow policy guide of tech committee.  Conversation about the nature of the role- what will and won't this person do. Rick moves to nominate Mike H as project leader. Seconded and whatnot by the rest of the group.

Discusssion of GAFE role.  Laura and Doris have already begun to play with the dashboard and have begun to get familiar with how it works.  Laura will fill this role with the assistance of Doris.

Discussion of stress testing the network to see what it can handle.  We have decided to seek out a consultant who can do this for us.  Mike will do this as his first task as project leader. We need to test both the network and the equipment.

Discussion of initial decisions. Domain has already been registered ( We are registered as an educator site.  User name standard? Keep existing for adults/staff. Add a middle initial or a digit for those with sames f and last. For students, first initial last initial  It will log them into the account and be their email address. Next discussion is organization, but time has run out.  We will discuss organization next time. Mike will sent out a proposal for organization and allow for comment.  Next step: select a consultant and get them going and build a project plan.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Committee Meeting TBD

Tech Committee Meeting
12/3/2014 2:30 pm
Trustees Room McFarland Hall

  • Google Apps consultant status
    • discussion of meeting outcomes
    • decision
  • Designate a project leader
    • liaison with consultant
    • handle day-to-day decisions and activities
    • support team
  • Early actions and decisions
    • register domain with Google; get approval for educational status
    • is our network capable? (stress testing)
    • Define our organization structure
    • username standards
    • Core services
    • Migration plan (user data)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Meeting notes 11/4/14

tech committee meeting
November 4, 2014
In attendance: M. Hauck, P. Conis, B. Chauvin, T. Quinn, R. Fitzpatrick

Tech committee meetings are moving to after school so others can attend meetings

Mike H to Create a "going Google" website for NCAHS to start to disseminate info about the process

Feedback from SSVT about their going Google process:
-they don't archive student emails
-they do dual mail delivery at the outset
-don't block Facebook, YouTube, etc. teach students responsible use
-no parents, just faculty and staff
-group students by grade level, no larger group of "all students"
-use google classroom for grade book, folders, distribution, etc. popular with teachers

Looking at the issues list
We need a "crisp statement" of "why we are doing this?" Discussion about some of the answers to this question

Discussion of what sort of training the "tech team" would need to be able learn what is necessary to do this

What are next steps? Discussion of a consultant and what role that person would play

Discussion of forming a project group that meets more frequently to get this going headed by a project leader. We need more frequent meetings to get done all that we need to get done. Consultant as project manager?

Next meeting within a week with a consultant. Rick will let us know as soon as he can get a consultant here, and we will have our next meeting then. Looking at Monday, Thursday, and Friday of the week of 11/17.

Mike H will work on a timeline/ project plan in the meantime and propose answers to the questions on the issues list.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Committee Meeting Tuesday, 4 November

Committee Meeting
Tuesday, 4 November 10:15 am
Trustees Room - McFarland Hall

  • A few housekeeping items
  • Feedback from South Shore Voke...a Google Apps school
  • The Issues List
    • Review
    • Common Understanding of what lies ahead
  • Planning process
    • Consultants - status
    • create a rough timeline
    • forming task groups to solve issues

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Meetings notes 10/21/14

Tech committee meeting October 21, 2014
In attendance: M. Hauck, L. Lynch, D. Parker, T. Quinn, P. Conis, B.J. Chauvin, S. Green,

1. Discussion of tech plan report card: Mike will set up a shared document for all people to comment on and provide feedback on

2. Google apps for education implementation:
3 tracks: technical, promotional (getting info out), PD (training and tutorials)
5 steps to project planning: research through execution, evaluation, and adjustment- is this something that the consultant help us with? We don't currently have one on board and should start.  Will consultant be project manager? How are we going to use the consultant? Discussion of whether we will continue with mecnet or switch everyone over to google mail. Get consultants in over two days to make presentations and then just pick one. Rick is attending an informational workshop in Franklin. He will forward information about it to the group so others can attend if interested.  Question asked about whether or not we are required to archive student email.
Technical resources on "going Google" shared by Mike. Google has a lot or information and resources available to help schools plan.  Lots of online training through Google and other sources for training and PD. Available for free.

3. Brainstorming some of the questions issues we will face as we plan to implement (looking at three tracks posted in #2). Mike distributes a list with some beginning thoughts.  Will create a shareable document online for people to add questions/ issues to. Within the next week, people should ADD to Mike's list.  He will reorganize list and share it back.  At next meeting, we will review and discuss the updated list.
Brief discussion of whether we are staying with ipass/edline for next year or are we moving to a new student information system.  Potentially starting a subgroup to explore other options- consensus seems to be to leave ipass/edline.

Discussion of interfacing between our SIS and Google.

4. Announcement at 10/27 faculty meeting regarding Google- the the plan to be fully implemented for 15-16 school year. Make a basic announcement with the plan to make  more elaborate presentation with more information at the 11/4 faculty meeting

Next meeting: 11/4 at 10:15 in the trustees room

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tech Committee Meeting October 20, 2014

Technology Committee Agenda

October 20, 2014  12:00 pm
Trustee’s Conference Room

  1. Technology Plan Report Card
    1. set-up shared document for input
  2. Google Apps for Education Implementation
    1. status on school visits
    2. set-up a repository site for resources and documents
    3. creating a detailed project plan (timeline, sequencing, critical path)
      1. GANTT and CPM plans
      2. step 0: define a basic structure
      3. step 1: brainstorm critical tasks/decisions
  3. Planning process/participants
  4. Faculty Meeting (10/27) announcement

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Tech Committee meeting October 9, 2014

Technology Committee Agenda
October 9, 2014  10:15am
Trustee’s Conference Room

  1. Status on Technology Plan
    1. submitted 11/7/2013
    2. annual review; quinquennial re-plan
  2. Google Apps for Education Next Steps
    1. setting a process to create an implementation plan
    2. establish a goal and general timeline for implementation
    3. getting the tech team on-board and engaged
  3. Defining an overall Computing Architecture for the school
    1. coordinate with GAfE implementation
    2. inventory computing requirements for the full community

Minutes (P. Conis)
Trustees' room

In attendance: M. Hauck, S. Green, R. Fitzpatrick, T. Quinn, B. Chauvin, L. Lynch, D. Parker, P. Conis

1. Status of tech plan-
Discussion about the nature/ role of the plan that the plan the tech committee developed. Is this an internal document? Is it intended to replace the document we are required to submit to the DESE? Plan is for all committee members to re-review the document before the next meeting and come to a decision on this question at the next meeting
Also, need a "report card" on the status of the six benchmarks in the plan. Where are we at and what should be our action items for this school year. Plan is to review the document for the next meeting to come up with this "report card."

2. Google apps for education
Decision has been made to move to becoming a Google school. We need input from teachers with a range of technology experience and expertise and from a range of departments about what they want/need from Google. Discussion of how to get this input- creating some sort of "working group" that could ask questions and give input. We need to find out what teachers are expecting from the process and what their needs will be.
We have a list of consultants from the google apps summits to whom we could talk. We would additionally look to speak to schools that are already Google apps schools so we can know how this has worked elsewhere.

Discussion of whether it should be rolled out school-wide or only in certain departments.
Discussion of archiving email through Google- costs $10 per staff member. What about students? What about retrieval costs?
Mike plans to go speak to nearby schools that are already Google schools to discuss their process and  seek advice.
Significant changes needed to be made to the AUP
Mike will work with coordinators to get people for the working group. Using faculty and department meeting time for this.
Mike will use feedback from other schools and Google to create a plan/ timeline.
Timeline: be fully ready for September 2015.
November faculty meeting to introduce this information to the faculty.
Plan for PD for this so that it is targeted at people's individual comfort levels with tech.

Next meeting: 1:00 pm Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Trustees' room

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Meeting Notes 6/9

Tech committee meeting notes
June 9, 2014

In attendance: Mike H, Barbara-Jean C, Paula C

Review of Mike's presentation at the last faculty meeting regarding dig curriculum

Plan to create a website for the program with all information, resources, etc- goal is to give people as much as possible to work with so they can find what works for them

Continue to find materials and resources and those will be included in the website- Mike will show drafts to the committee for feedback throughout the development process

Next steps: assessment? How do we evaluate students' levels of "citizenship"

Creating drivers licenses/badges/passports

Badges can be for each concept students demonstrate understanding of

There is an existing one through Mozilla project.  Who monitors students' progress? Can we connect online privileges to achievement of badges?

use curriculum map to connect each area to a subject so that that subject has primary responsibility for teaching and assessing students in that area

Use time on the 26th to work on mapping so everyone can have a voice/say in process

More research on how other schools are implementing this is needed.

Kids can use study time and x block time to work on some of the self-guided/self-paced aspects of the learning

Ideally, we strictly connect access to earning badges to make earning badges desirable. Limit access for those students who haven't.

Make a connection to the premise of an OSHA 10 card

Monday, June 9, 2014

Meeting for June 9, 2014

Agenda for Monday, June 9 at 2:30 in the Library

This will probably be our last meeting for the school year.  Unfinished business will carry over to next year.

There are a couple of key items to finish up on the Digital Citizenship curriculum and we should be thinking about what next year's significant initiative should be.

  1. feedback & comments from last Monday's faculty meeting presentation
    1. what are you hearing from you colleagues
  2. collecting & curating materials, lessons, etc.
    1. create a website for teacher access with self-training, resources, etc.
  3. Student assessment
    1. digital driver's license
    2. digital badges
    3. digital passport
    4. extra privilege to those who have demonstrated success

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Meeting notes 5/21/14

Tech Committee Meeting Notes
In attendance: M. Hauck, T. Quinn, M. Joyce, P. Conis, K. Roos

Agenda topic: Digital Literacy curriculum

Discussing the existing curriculum outline. More sample lessons and ideas added, more still needed.
Action Item:  Members are encouraged to find and collect additional planned lessons and/or materials (handouts, videos, websites).  Contribute into the Google Drive folders created to store the info.

Attaching ideas and lessons to subject and grade.  Michael will refine chart (add 4 grade levels for each subject area) and republish.
Action Item: members should review lesson materials and suggest where on the curriculum map (subject & level) a lesson unit 'primarily' falls (who is the lead responsible to ensure this is learned material).

Presenting this outline at the June 2 faculty meeting.  Michael will be circulating draft presentation/handouts for feedback, ideas, critique.

Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 21

1. Review/critique the current state of the curriculum (doc shared to you with editing privileges)
2. complete process of defining lesson units/plans (at least defining unit/plan learning objectives if not a full plan)
3. Compiling/collecting teaching resources (I created a set of folders to curate materials; they are all shared to you with editing privileges)
4. What's the roll-out plan?
    a. June Faculty mtg introduction
    b. training materials
    c. crosswalk to curriculum frameworks (see map)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Committee meeting notes 5/7/14

Tech Committee Meeting Notes
In attendance: M. Nelson, M. Hauck, P. Conis

Digital Literacy Curriculum
Review the structure Mike H has set up and provide feedback, commentary (members have editing privilege to the document)

Need to map what we have to existing departments/ courses

Collect lesson plans, curriculum materials that connect to these topics and attach them

Mike will create a google account for collecting and organizing curriculum materials

Concern regarding asking people to teach digital literacy in the current technological climate

Need to add lessons where there are gaps/ missing lessons

Mike H to create a google form to solicit teacher feedback/input into existing dig curr

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Meeting: Wednesday, May 7 at 2:30 in Library

Our pre-break meeting on 4/16 didn't happen.

  1. News/Updates
    1. Google Apps interview
  2. Continue work on the Digital Citizenship curriculum map
    1. status of current work
    2. define/identify lesson units (we'll rely heavily on Common Sense Media)
    3. collect, curate lesson materials and resources

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Meeting Notes from 4/2/14

Small attendance, Courtney, Karl, and Michael

  1. Michael discussed what he learned from attending a webinar, "Implementing Digital Citizenship District-wide" on Monday, 3/24.  Presentation slides are in the committee document folder on Google Drive.  In the slides is a link to the webinar recording as well.  Key learnings:
    1. they used the Common Sense Media curriculum for K through 12
    2. developed lesson units, plans, and materials for teachers; field tested the curriculum materials before rolling it out
    3. extensive PD for teachers
    4. curriculum was implemented during "tutorial time" (sounds like out X-Block) so that it did not impact academic classes.  (Should we think about implementation using X-Block?)
    5. engaged the community to support the additional curriculum
  2. reiterated project objective to have a rough draft ready for the May Faculty meeting to briefly introduce (maybe 10 minutes) to faculty; have a mini training at the June meeting (maybe 30 minutes).
  3. Discussed the current status of the curriculum map that Paula had worked on.  With only a few members present there was limited discussion.
    1. It was decided that between now and next meeting members should review the draft and add content.  Where we especially need work to define what sub-topics/lesson units map to specific subject areas/grade levels.  We'll need this to provide guidance to teachers.
    2. Everyone should come to next committee meeting with some ideas of lesson plans/projects and links to resources.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 16 at 2:30 in the library.
Does another day work better?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meeting notes 3/19

Tech committee meeting notes 3/19/14
In attendance: P. Conis, M. Hauck, K. Roos

Review of digital citizenship curriculum- new approach presented. Paula will make a new doc and share with others

Plan is to have a framework in place to share with entire faculty before the end of the year

Still no movement on the GAfE team.

Meeting Notes 2/26/14

Tech committee meeting
In attendance: P. Conis, M. Hauck, K. Roos, C. Bosco, M. Nelson
Our agenda is to pick up where we left off on the Digital Citizenship curriculum project:
  1. Work on updates to both curriculum map and major elements definitions; also review and comment on others
  2. Think about connections to courses and subject areas
  3. Think about presenting this to teachers- foundation for training: the what and the why
  4. Next steps will be determining suggested lessons and resources to connect to
We began to break down topics and map them to subject areas and courses/grades

Monday, February 10, 2014

Meeting for Wed. 2/12/14

Our agenda is to pick up where we left off on the Digital Citizenship curriculum project:
  1. Work on updates to both curriculum map and major elements definitions; also review and comment on others
  2. Think about connections to courses and subject areas
  3. Think about presenting this to teachers- foundation for training: the what and the why
  4. Next steps will be determining suggested lessons and resources to connect to
[Meeting postponed to 2/26 due to scheduling issues]

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meeting notes 1/29/14

Teach Committee meeting
In attendance: M. Hauck, P. Conis, K. Roos, M. Joyce, M. Nelson, C. Bosco

To discuss: Moving to Google School- purpose,  interview team, interview Qs

Discussion of google apps for schools plan
Looking at Mike H's brainstorm.  Start with adding interview questions.  Mike has taken  notes and will add them to the document.  It is editable by members of the committee, so continue to add to it.

Adding to list of usability features. Same as above- document is editable.  Continue to view adn makde changes

Nominees to interview team: Matt and Karl. More information about this to come

Monday final document will go to Suzanne.

Next meeting Wednesday, 2/12/14.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meeting Notes 1/8/14

Tech committee meeting notes
In attendance: Mike H, D. Parker, P. Conis, C. Bosco

Discussion of updates to definitions and curriculum map
Work on updates to both, also review and comment on others
Think about connections to courses and subject areas
Think about presenting this to teachers- foundation for training: the what and the why

Next steps will be determining suggested lessons and resources to connect to 
There will be a combination of specific lessons connected to specific courses, but also pervasive idea that is related to all subject areas at all time

next meeting 1/22/14

before then refine your element definition and review and provide feedback on others

Monday, January 6, 2014

Agenda for Wed., 8 Jan

In the library at 2:30...

After the long hiatus, our agenda for today will be:

  1. Reset; where were we at before break
  2. Review work of teams on definition of major elements and enumeration of constituent components
  3. Discussion of next steps