Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Meeting notes 3/19

Tech committee meeting notes 3/19/14
In attendance: P. Conis, M. Hauck, K. Roos

Review of digital citizenship curriculum- new approach presented. Paula will make a new doc and share with others

Plan is to have a framework in place to share with entire faculty before the end of the year

Still no movement on the GAfE team.

Meeting Notes 2/26/14

Tech committee meeting
In attendance: P. Conis, M. Hauck, K. Roos, C. Bosco, M. Nelson
Our agenda is to pick up where we left off on the Digital Citizenship curriculum project:
  1. Work on updates to both curriculum map and major elements definitions; also review and comment on others
  2. Think about connections to courses and subject areas
  3. Think about presenting this to teachers- foundation for training: the what and the why
  4. Next steps will be determining suggested lessons and resources to connect to
We began to break down topics and map them to subject areas and courses/grades