Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Meeting notes 1/29/14

Teach Committee meeting
In attendance: M. Hauck, P. Conis, K. Roos, M. Joyce, M. Nelson, C. Bosco

To discuss: Moving to Google School- purpose,  interview team, interview Qs

Discussion of google apps for schools plan
Looking at Mike H's brainstorm.  Start with adding interview questions.  Mike has taken  notes and will add them to the document.  It is editable by members of the committee, so continue to add to it.

Adding to list of usability features. Same as above- document is editable.  Continue to view adn makde changes

Nominees to interview team: Matt and Karl. More information about this to come

Monday final document will go to Suzanne.

Next meeting Wednesday, 2/12/14.  

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meeting Notes 1/8/14

Tech committee meeting notes
In attendance: Mike H, D. Parker, P. Conis, C. Bosco

Discussion of updates to definitions and curriculum map
Work on updates to both, also review and comment on others
Think about connections to courses and subject areas
Think about presenting this to teachers- foundation for training: the what and the why

Next steps will be determining suggested lessons and resources to connect to 
There will be a combination of specific lessons connected to specific courses, but also pervasive idea that is related to all subject areas at all time

next meeting 1/22/14

before then refine your element definition and review and provide feedback on others

Monday, January 6, 2014

Agenda for Wed., 8 Jan

In the library at 2:30...

After the long hiatus, our agenda for today will be:

  1. Reset; where were we at before break
  2. Review work of teams on definition of major elements and enumeration of constituent components
  3. Discussion of next steps